Learning something new.......
You don't know how often we've heard the phrase "you've changed" since we married." Often, it's not used in the most positive manner. The truth is we all change as we move along in life. Unfortunately, those changes are not always for the better. The good news is we can all learn new things. You see, relationships are learned behavior.
Don't believe me? Let's try something that might be new. I want you to argue with your spouse, but I want to give you a "rule" to follow before you do. Here is the rule:
You may not use the word (or any form of the word) "YOU."
Go ahead and try it. Seriously! By following this rule, you will find that your "heated discussions" will tend to take longer to heat up and usually won't get as "hot." Little things like this are what education (which is what we do) is all about. If you are having trouble communicating without using the word "you," maybe it's time to stop in and learn something new.